Wednesday, November 18, 2009

The perils of modern motherhood & the crock-pot caper.

Ok, so moving to Healdsburg, job and all, has shaved an hour or more off my usual morning commute. No longer do I roll to work on the 5 Fulton Muni bus with some of San Francisco’s finest.

Instead, I ride in the comfort of my own car, with my own music, without Muni’s infamous background noises, smells, or talented performers. I am totally on autopilot, by myself. After relying on public transportation for so long, my car is akin to a shrine. The luxury of driving to work in a car is paradise.

Some mornings I don’t even remember driving to work. It’s great… as long as you’re not the one driving parallel to me on the 101.

One would think that with all this extra time I’d be able to balance things a little better at home.

It seems that just the opposite is the case. I often find myself wondering how working moms with more than one kid and a job survive?

Anyway, in preparation for my busy day today I made a crock-pot last night: cuban black bean and turkey soup – a recipe from Sunset Magazine. I turned in on at 8am and after clocking my 8 at the office, I rushed back onto the 101 to meet my hubbie at school for teacher’s conferences. My little one is in kindergarten. After reviews ( I still can't believe I have a real, live child who attends kindergarten, by the way) we rushed to gymnastics, 25 minutes late.

By the time I got home, after 7pm, we were all starving. The house smelled good, then I lifted the lid of my crock-pot only to discover dinner that looked like a mid-evil mess fit for the Flintstones.

Really, I am a great cook. Never trust a crock pot.


  1. I love crock pots but only if you never have to leave the house for more than 4-5 hours. I have never found a recipe that really cooks for more than 5 hours.

  2. Please share some of your favorite recipies.
